How to buy

JSC  “Bekabadcement” carries out:

- train car shipment of cement in tare and in bulk; 

- self-delivery shipment of cement in tare and in bulk.

This instruction determines procedures for train car shipment of cement in tare and in bulk with execution of necessary documents in accordance with the current the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and normative base of the enterprise (procedures for self-delivery shipment of cement established by respective regulations).

The enterprise carries out shipment of cement to the Buyer under an exchange agreement between the Seller and Buyer under 100% advance payment under the exchange agreement (confirmed by registry of paid deals which is received by the Seller from the Payment and Clearing Chamber of the Republican Commodities and Goods Exchange or PCC) and a direct contracts.

Some quantity of cement is sold under direct contracts to contracting organizations under the state order and under export contracts in accordance with the balance of production and consumption of cement approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Correctness of execution of direct contracts is controlled by the legal department of the enterprise.

Execution of documents.

The Buyer submits, to the sales department of JSC “Bekabadcement”, a letter (request) for shipment of cement using railway transport specifying a station of destination and containing signatures of persons in charge of the Bekabad station certifying consent of the station of destination to accept the cargo; own copy of the exchange agreement (ticket) or direct contract; a copy of director’s passport of an organization; a copy of Certificate of State Registration of Legal Entity notarized by notary public; a reference letter from a bank confirming current status of a current account; a reference letter from tax inspection confirming absence indebtedness to the state budget; a letter confirming conclusion of an agreement for railway services (each firm or organization shall submit these documents once per year).

The concluded direct contracts are registered by a sales specialist in a journal of registration of contracts for state organizations.

After conclusion of the agreement for railway services, the sales specialist registers the agreement in the journal of registration of railway services agreements (the agreement for railway services is entered into with each firm or organization once per year).

Then the letter for shipment is registered by the sales specialist in the journal of registration of incoming letters for shipment and is entered in 1С Bukhgalteriya software. The sale specialist records No. of the agreement, No. of ticket, date of payment and puts own signature in the letter for shipment.

After acceptance and registration of documents for shipment, the sale specialist confirms thereof by own signature on copies of client’s application and records therein the agreement No. and date.

Further, the application (with ticket) is signed by the head of sales department and is given to the sales specialist who checks payment for railway services and makes a record to respective registry.

The sales department officer executes a railway bill of lading based on Loaded Car Train Report submitted by ВХ weighers.

The report shall contain: No. of train cars, cement grades, stockhouse No., tare, net weight, total weight and weight-carrying capacity of a train car. The Loaded Car Train Report shall be signed by a shift weigher and CVG master.

The railway bill of lading shall specify: name of the Buyer, agreement No., train car No., cement grade, shipment type (tare, bulk), tare, total weight and net weight.

The railway bills of lading are stamped after execution thereof which are signed by the sales officer in charge. The railway bills of lading are given to the ВХ weigher for final execution of train cars.

The customs clearance specialist OVESiM executes railway bills of lading for deliveries to export (coded) in nine copies.  

The following documents are attached for execution of the railway bill of lading to export of finished products:

- invoice in two copies is prepared by a responsible officer of the accounting department and is signed by the general director (one of directors in absence thereof) and chief accountant of JSC “Bekabadcement”;

- cargo customs declaration (CCD) in one copy is prepared by a responsible officer of OVESiM, is signed by the OVESiM specialist; thereafter, it is registered in customs organ where CCD is sealed with two stamps (diamond-shaped and official stamp) after signing by the customs officer;

- certificate of origin of goods СТ-1 in one copy is issued by OJSC Uzbekekspertiza (Bekabad Branch) based on application from JSC “Bekabadcement”;

- certificate of conformance issued by the national certification system of the Republic of Uzbekistan in respect to a respective grade of cement (copy) is given by the head PIP JSC in one copy based on the national certification system of the Republic of Uzbekistan in respect to a respective grade of cement;

- document certifying quality in one copy is issued PIP ПИП based on results of examination of shipped products;

- cargo delivery control book in one copy is issued by the customs organ.  

The railway bills of lading are stamped after execution thereof which are signed by the OVESiM officer in charge. The railway bills of lading are given to the ВХ weigher (under signature in “Book of Registration and Submission of Railway Bills of Lading) for final execution of train cars.

The products of the plant may be also purchased in chain stores of JSC "Bekabadcement" in the amount of up to 20 tons.

The products are sold after presentation of a passport and application to the General Director of JSC Bekabadcement